déc. 17, 2024
Last time I discussed the tremendous lift in per-shipment gross margins that our customers saw from implementing BravoTran automation. In addition to looking at gross margins, our team also measured the improvement in invoice processing speed, defined as the average number of days between invoice date and post date. Here, again, we saw tremendous improvement:
In these three case studies, customers were able to get their invoices posted nearly 10 days faster.
Why is this important? In most cases, forwarders are waiting to invoice their own customers until the last AP invoice has been posted. Ten days faster posting means ten fewer days that you’re upside down on your billings: Ten fewer days that you’ve paid your vendors, but your customers haven’t yet paid you.
This is the second post in a series. My next post will be a detailed examination of the direct labor savings from AP automation. Follow us on LinkedIn to get notified when it’s published, or book your own BravoTran demo today.